# Homepage


# Style

Value Effect
Landing page Set homepage as a landing page with a heading and a call to action button
Split landing + images Set homepage as split landing plus a list of images
Route explore Set homepage as /explore
Route upload Set homepage as /upload

# Cover image (n)

Determines the cover image used in homepage (multiple instances).

Type Recommended
Image <400KB

# Add new cover image

Adds a new cover image.

Type Recommended
Image <400KB

# Vector logo image

The vector logo image for homepage. The size is just for reference, the system will display the logo fixing height.

Type Default
SVG 500x76

# Raster logo image

The raster logo image homepage. The size is just for reference, the system will display the logo fixing height.

Type Default
PNG 314x48

# Title

Determines the title shown in homepage.

Type Default
String Upload and share your images.

# Paragraph

Determines the paragraph shown in homepage.

Type Default
String Drag and drop anywhere you want and start uploading your images now. 2 MB limit. Direct image links, BBCode and HTML thumbnails.

# Call to action button color

Determines the color for the homepage call to action button.

Type Options
String Blue, Green, Orange, Red, Grey, Black, White, Default

# Call to action outline style button

Toggles homepage call to action outline style.

Value Effect
Enabled Enable homepage call to action outline style
Disabled Disable homepage call to action outline style

# Call to action functionality

Value Effect
Trigger uploader Prompt image upload file picker
Open URL Link to the target URL

# Call to action URL

  • Applies only when Call to action functionality is set to Open URL.

Determines the target URL for the homepage call to action button.

Type Example
String /page/tos

# Call to action HTML

Determines the HTML for the homepage call to action button.

Type Default
String Start uploading

# User IDs


This setting applies only when Style is set to Split landing + images.

Determines the user ids which will source the homepage images. Leave it blank to display "trending" images, which will work as /explore/trending.

Type Example
Integers list 1,2,3,5,70

Not showing images?

Check that the content is not being restricted due to privacy settings.