# API version 1

Chevereto API v1 (also known as Bridge API) allows to upload pictures as guest to your Chevereto powered website. is called bridge API because is pretty much the same as the API from Chevereto 2.X and is the transition to the future API v2.

API v1 doesn't have rate limiting but is affected by the Flood upload limits setted in your admin dashboard. Because of this, you should only use this API for your very own applications or scripts.

# API key

API v1 works with a single API key that you can set at Dashboard > Settings > API.

# API call

# Request method

API v1 calls can be done using the POST or GET request methods but since GET request are limited by the maximum allowed length of an URL you should prefer the POST request method.

# Request URL


# Parameters

  • key The API v1 key, it can be set in your admin dashboard settings.
  • action What you want to do [values: upload].
  • source Either a image URL or a base64 (opens new window) encoded image string. You can also use FILES["source"] in your request.
  • format Sets the return format [values: json (default), redirect, txt].

# Example call

GET http://mysite.com/api/1/upload/?key=12345&source=http://somewebsite/someimage.jpg&format=json

Note: Always use POST when uploading local files. Url encoding may alter the base64 source due to encoded characters or just by URL request length limit due to GET request.

# API response

API v1 responses will vary depending on the format parameter:

  • json Display all the image uploaded information in JSON format. [default]
  • txt Returns the image direct URL in text/plain format.
  • redirect Redirects to the image viewer URL.

When using JSON the response will have headers status codes to allow you to easily notice if the request was OK or not. It will also output the status_txt and status_code properties.

# Example response (JSON)

    "status_code": 200,
    "success": {
        "message": "image uploaded",
        "code": 200
    "image": {
        "name": "example",
        "extension": "png",
        "size": 53237,
        "width": 1151,
        "height": 898,
        "date": "2014-06-04 15:32:33",
        "date_gmt": "2014-06-04 19:32:33",
        "storage_id": null,
        "description": null,
        "nsfw": "0",
        "md5": "c684350d722c956c362ab70299735830",
        "storage": "datefolder",
        "original_filename": "example.png",
        "original_exifdata": null,
        "views": "0",
        "id_encoded": "L",
        "filename": "example.png",
        "ratio": 1.2817371937639,
        "size_formatted": "52 KB",
        "mime": "image/png",
        "bits": 8,
        "channels": null,
        "url": "",
        "url_viewer": "",
        "thumb": {
            "filename": "example.th.png",
            "name": "example.th",
            "width": 160,
            "height": 160,
            "ratio": 1,
            "size": 17848,
            "size_formatted": "17.4 KB",
            "mime": "image/png",
            "extension": "png",
            "bits": 8,
            "channels": null,
            "url": ""
        "medium": {
            "filename": "example.md.png",
            "name": "example.md",
            "width": 500,
            "height": 390,
            "ratio": 1.2820512820513,
            "size": 104448,
            "size_formatted": "102 KB",
            "mime": "image/png",
            "extension": "png",
            "bits": 8,
            "channels": null,
            "url": ""
        "views_label": "views",
        "display_url": "",
        "how_long_ago": "moments ago"
    "status_txt": "OK"

# Example response (txt)

# Upload to user workaround

API V1 one doesn't have a way to upload images associated with a given user but you can override the default API. Copy the default app/routes/route.api.php file to app/routes/overrides/route.api.php folder.

Change this:


To this (replace juanito with the target username or user_id):

// This will upload images to 'juanito' account 
CHV\Image::uploadToWebsite($source, 'juanito');

By doing this, the /api route (sourced from app/routes/overrides/route.api.php) will now upload images in the name of that user.

# Using different API keys

If you want to use a different API key in this new customized API simply change this:

!G\timing_safe_compare(CHV\getSetting('api_v1_key'), $_REQUEST['key'])

To this:

!G\timing_safe_compare('NowThisIsAnotherAPIKEY!', $_REQUEST['key'])

# Multiple APIs

You can have multiple APIs long as you perform some editing at app/loader.php. Since this file handles some pre-routing, you need to add your custom routes to all the conditionals mentioning api.