# Contributed
The following content has been provided by users of the software. It contains guides, reviews and everything you may want to known about Chevereto. Feel free to contribute yours and show others.
# Videos
- 2020-10-21 搭建Chevereto开源图床作为云存储视频教程 (opens new window)
- 2020-09-08 Chevereto图床搭建教程 | VPS搭建个人图床 小白一学就会的搭建教学 属于自己的图床 谷歌云GCP一键宝塔安装 简单图床教学 (opens new window)
- 2020-08-07 Chevereto Installed on Docker - Self-Hosted Imgur (opens new window)
- 2020-07-27 Let's Install Chevereto with Docker! Self-Hosted Image Hosting (opens new window)
- 2020-05-28 【群晖NAS】商用级图床项目,Chevereto (opens new window)
# Installation guides
- 2021-02-18 Self Hosted Private Photo Gallery With Chevereto (opens new window)
- 2021-01-09 Chevereto 图床搭建 (opens new window)
- 2020-10-28 chevereto收费版安装教程,这可能是我用过最好的图床程序了! (opens new window)
- 2020-10-24 群晖通过Docker安装图床工具Chevereto的步骤 (opens new window)
- 2020-10-17 宝塔面板安装chevereto教程,一款强大好用的图床程序! (opens new window)
- 2020-10-12 Chevereto自建图床 (opens new window)
- 2020-10-07 自建Chevereto图床 (opens new window)
- 2020-10-01 【自建图床】通过宝塔面板搭建图床|Chevereto图床程序搭建教程 (opens new window)
- 2020-09-19 一台服务器搭建Hexo和Chevereto (opens new window)
- 2020-08-25 Self-hosting an image gallery with Chevereto (opens new window)
- 2020-08-19 Chevereto免费图床搭建教程 | vps搭建免费图床教程 (opens new window)
- 2020-08-07 Chevereto on Docker – Self-hosted Imgur (opens new window)
- 2020-08-04 使用 Docker 安装 Chevereto (opens new window)
- 2020-07-27 Let’s Install Chevereto with Docker! Self-Hosted Image Hosting (opens new window)
- 2020-07-23 Chevereto——简介及安装 (opens new window)
- 2020-07-03 宝塔面板安装chevereto3:多域版本的安装使用教程/附如何开启webp图片上传 (opens new window)
- 2020-06-18 Docker Composer+Google Drive安装付费版著名图床chevereto无限容量 (opens new window)
- 2020-06-15 群晖Docker安装chevereto图床 (opens new window)
- 2020-05-20 群晖搭建 chevereto 图床 (opens new window)
- 2020-04-16 利用 Chevereto 自建图床 (opens new window)
- 2020-04-05 服务器搭建图床:Chevereto安装教程 (opens new window)
- 2020-03-10 基于Docker的Chevereto部署 (opens new window)
- 2020-03-09 Chevereto图床搭建教程 (opens new window)
- 2020-02-28 基于阿里云对象存储OSS搭建图床教程 (opens new window)
- 2020-02-18 威联通(NAS)搭建个人图床 (opens new window)
- 2020-02-18 折腾笔记:用Chevereto搭建个人图库&分享小姐姐们 (opens new window)
- 2020-02-06 Chevereto图床搭建教程 | 利用VPS搭建个人图床实战 (opens new window)
- 2020-02-02 docker compose 部署迁移 Chevereto 图床程序教程 (opens new window)
- 2020-01-25 [Guide] Docker paid version with nmtan/chevereto:installer and real ip fix (reverse proxy) (opens new window)
- 2020-01-15 宝塔面板docker安装chevereto图床 – 优点就是不用自己配置环境 (opens new window)
- 2020-01-12 宝塔面板源码安装Chevereto最新免费版 (opens new window)
- 2020-01-04 宝塔面板源码安装Chevereto最新免费版 – 算是靠谱的图床解决方案之一 (opens new window)
- 2020-01-01 使用 Chevereto 图床程序搭建个人图床实现图片自助托管 (opens new window)
- 2019-11-04 在宝塔环境下安装Chevereto最新免费版 (opens new window)
- 2019-11-01 CentOS下使用Docker搭建Chevereto图床 (opens new window)
- 2019-08-29 Chevereto安装教程 (opens new window)
- 2019-05-18 Chevereto免费相册程序安装与使用-免费自建图床和公共图片相册 (opens new window)
# Guides
- 2021-01-24 [已解决]Chevereto后台在线升级出现Can’t write into /app/install/update/temp/ path 的错 (opens new window)
- 2021-01-23 宝塔环境下配置Chevereto图床程序使其支持WeBP格式的图片|支持Chevereto免费版 (opens new window)
- 2020-10-18 Chevereto 图片展示页面默认显示嵌入代码 (opens new window)
- 2020-06-16 Chevereto 接入又拍云实现图片外部存储方法 (opens new window)
- 2020-09-11 Chevereto: generare facilmente il “diff” con WSL (opens new window)
# Hacks/Tips
- 2021-01-19 Chevereto无法登录显示[请求被拒绝,您或者没有权限访问此页面]的解决办法 (opens new window)
- 2020-09-18 Chevereto 首页显示图片托管数量的实现方法 (opens new window)
- 2020-09-09 Chevereto 图床程序注册页面添加通过邀请码注册功能 (opens new window)
- 2020-06-27 修改 Chevereto 图床程序 给登录页面添加公共头部和尾部 (opens new window)
- 2020-05-24 图床程序Chevereto安装问题记录 (opens new window)
- 2020-05-05 Chevereto使用暗抄(BCC)方式保存smtp发送的邮件 (opens new window)
- 2020-04-23 Chevereto使用宝塔PHP7.3的GD库不支持webp,需升级7.4 (opens new window)
# Browser extensions
# Firefox
# Google Chrome
- Chevereto download button (opens new window)
- Chevereto Uploader by Your-Pictionary.com (opens new window)
# Integrating
- 2021-02-25 [自建图床] Chevereto 图床增加百度内容审核(鉴黄)功能 (opens new window)
- 2021-01-10 WordPress 主题 编辑器中添加上传到 Chevereto图床 (opens new window)
- 2020-07-26 网站图片从 wordpress 搬迁到图床 图片路径批量替换实现方法 (opens new window)
- 2020-07-03 Chevereto 调用百度图像内容审核 – 实现Chevereto图片鉴黄 (opens new window)
- 2020-04-29 Chevereto Imagehosting Upload By Jasper(zhujia18) (opens new window)
- 2020-03-12 给你的 Chevereto 添加鉴黄功能,支持百度,腾讯,Moderatecontent,Sightengine (opens new window)
- 2020-03-09 Chevereto 增加百度AI审核功能,开启鉴黄功能,后台可设置 (opens new window)
- 2020-03-08 -ITM- Chevereto Integration 2.0 (opens new window)
# External tools
- 2020-06-03 Typora使用PicGo自动上传图片到Chevereto图床 (opens new window)
- 2020-05-22 [ITM] Chevereto Integration - XenForo 2.1 (opens new window)
- 2020-04-18 Mac uPic-Chevereto图床配置教程 (opens new window)
- 2020-02-26 typora + chevereto之博客图片终极解决方法 (opens new window)
- 2020-01-22 uPic 图床配置教程 - Chevereto (opens new window)
- 2019-08-17 Chevereto也能用QQ、GitHub、微博登陆啦 (opens new window)